Post It's- Our Family Happenings

All about the Post Family- Steve, Kat, Jessica and Izzy

Saturday, January 17, 2009

A few cute pictures of Jessie K.

Her with her first barbie- very fittingly from my best friend and her namesake, Jessica R. in NYC
Pink and a mermaid? She's in heaven.....
Painting her nails with mommy- so pretty- and showing daddy
not only is she into dress up, she is also into dressing up her babies
just cause she's a nerd ;)
she's been killing me lately with her sentences and words. her new answer is "cause." no idea where she got that. i know i don't say it. but its so funny- it sounds like a kindergardeners answer. and she can count to 12! and up to 20 but missing lots of numbers and getting them a bit out of order, but still. and a few weeks ago she decided to start singing- so she does, ALL THE TIME. its really cute, and funny. She sings a song from little mermaid new beginings that has a line "shake your body" so thats all she sings over and over. and "under the sea take it from me" love it! i love that she's so into the little mermaid. i loved that movie when i was little, so its fun to listen to the songs and sing along again ;)
actually planning her bday party to be an under the sea theme. just finished making the invites, need to order some decorations, and before i know it my baby will be 2 years old!
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At 10:27 AM , Blogger danielle said...

Love the tub pic with barbie the mermaid...Can you believe our babies are 2???

At 8:01 PM , Blogger Anne said...

Cute! Can't believe it's almost her bday again...oh man, where does it go? Miss you guys!!

At 7:34 AM , Blogger darcy said...

what a cutie! Can't wait to paint Adie's nails. =)

ANd you look great! I am much bigger with this one as well.. saw a pic of me at 32 weeks with Adie and um, I'm about the same size now and I'm 24 weeks. =/ Such is life. =/

My sil read the potty book you sent me and her almost 2 year old is trained! THANK YOU!!! I'm gearing up to start with Adie soon... gotta find a series of days we can be confined to the house. =)


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