Post It's- Our Family Happenings

All about the Post Family- Steve, Kat, Jessica and Izzy

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Such a Big Girl!

She really is growing up too fast. Talking like a big girl, acting like a big girl, LOOKing like a big girl. Very bittersweet. I love this little girl she's becoming, but missing my little baby. Luckily I have Baby Dos in my belly to do it all over again with :)
We love all the fun words that Jessica says for things in her little baby language, and I'm realizing that its slowly going away as she is talking more and more like a Big Girl. She's always called yogurt "yo-yo." Since she first started talking. Then the other day at breakfast, she turns to me and says "I want more yogurt please." Clear as day. And I almost cried. Where did the yo-yo go? Soooooo I decided I needed to document a few of my favorite Jessica-ims ;)
(A lot of these were when she was really little and she doesn't say them anymore at all. I'll put a * by the ones she's saying now

Ha- ha = Monkeys
Yub yub yub yub yub you = I love you
Whee= swing
“Alga”(done while swinging her hands for the baby sign for all done) = all done/ all gone/ go away
woof woof= dog
meow= cat
neigh= horse
baa= sheep
pouty lip for sad* (then says sad)
dance= lets listen to some music so we can dance!
Nigh nigh = good night
Mo’ = more (along with 2 fingers pointed together. Left over from baby signs)
Smiley face- to show you that teeth are for smiling, not for biting (what are teeth for?)*
‘Rella- Cinderella
Fishy face for fish
“ish” mommy? = whats/who’s this mommy?*
Pull-gocks= pull ups*
Bass= bath*
Rubber bans = her Vans (shoes)*
Mines= mine*
NOOZSH= the news. “I watch the NOOZSH with papa”*
Yo-yo = yogurt
Jay Jay= Jaydan
Baba= Naima
Gooby= Groovy

Now a couple Big Girl pictures :)

She looks so big in this picture!
she was contemplating some deep stuff the other day. Still don't know what she was thinking, but I had to grab my camera and snap a picture. So cute!
I took my "official" 7 month pics. Post those later.............
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At 10:37 AM , Blogger Jill H said...

Kat, her little haircut is the cutest! she is looking so much like a little girl instead of a toddler!!!

At 8:18 AM , Blogger darcy said...



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