Post It's- Our Family Happenings

All about the Post Family- Steve, Kat, Jessica and Izzy

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Random pregnancy thoughts............
here are a few random things going on with preggo me right now

-starting to get forgetful. i forgot to make my bed the other day, and didn't notice till i went to bed that night. its a part of my morning routine, so i don't know what happened.......... i've read and been told that its totally a part of pregnancy to get forgetful. i've heard its loss of sleep (which i don't really feel like i'm suffering from) and another guy told me that its been proven that the womans brain shrinks when she's pregnant. don't know if i like that idea. either way, its happening to me. shoot

-I just took out my belly ring. much to the delight of my mother, i'm sure. i wasnt' sure when i was going to have to do it. i don't think my belly button is going to "pop" to an outtie (i have a deep innie) but i figured i won't be able to wear the belly ring that long. good thing i took it out now though- it was kinda hard to pull it out!!! just starting to get used to the blingless belly- i've had that ring for eight years now!!!! but i think it helps my belly look more pregnant and less fat/bloated.....

-starting to get super duper mild heartburn. uh oh. for those of you who don't know, i have acid reflux. horrible horrible disease (i think thats what it is) where you get heart burn. and heart burn SUCKS. before it was diagnosed, i would fall asleep sitting up, holding my tums (hammer, if you're reading this, remember that? freshman year.) anyways, i've been taking prevacid for seven years for it. got two different dr's ok to take during pregnancy. so i was hoping i wouldn't have to deal with heart burn at all. everyone keep your fingers crossed for me that i don't get any.....

-SO stoked on all my recent online purchases. actually been getting compliments on my $2.50 tshirts from Old Navy (thanks darcy!). i think its partly cause its the first new article of clothing i've worn to work in four months! i've been wearing the same t-shirts over and over again....... and here's my tip to all preggo women to be- invest in a good pair of jeans! i'm a firm believer in a good pair of jeans- and that includes when you're pregnant. makes me feel so much cuter!

-a lot of people have been asking about what diaper bag i want. i have yet to find one. i'm a huge purse person- i would rather get a really cute, big purse. i don't know. so i'm searching. if anyone knows of a good place to find one, let me know!

-my feet hurt. bad. and nothing so far has helped. and steve doesn't really do foot rubs. he tries to barter with me. um, how about the fact that i'm carrying your child?! so if anyone has advice on this, i'm willing to try anything! i'm only half way there people, and its going to get worse!

-still loving my prenantal yoga. and i started working out with a trainer at my gym. i had just purchased some sessions- i wanted to lose my afterthe wedding weight gain before we had baby. but i got pregnant a littl sooner than expected, so i had to put them off. anyways, so i started last week. so nice to go work out with a trainer and not be ridiculously sore the next day!

and thats just some of the things going on.
sorry to be so random. hope you all are having a fabulous weekend with non-aching feet!!!!


At 10:15 AM , Blogger Felicia said...

Yep, it sounds like your pregnant...he he he just kidding. Sorry, no advice here...kidless. =/

At 3:21 PM , Blogger Elizabeth said...

all these things... I'd say you have a normal pregancy!!
the memory thing.. Just WAIT to you have the kid.. you lose it totally!
the heartburn.. oh, I am with you sister. I have to avoid pizza =( (the red sauces)
invest in TUMS!!
ya know, I never took my belly ring out! we'll see how long it lasts now!!
the diaper bag.. I have a Vera Bradley, but think I may splurge on a Kate Spade one. They both are just "big Purses". I don't do characters and diaperbag looking things!
and there's my assesment of your situation =) good luck.
Love that you love your jeans!

At 4:25 PM , Blogger Jill H said...

hee hee, get a doctor's note saying Steve HAS to rub your feet, lol!!

hang in there =) glad you have a cute pair of jeans to make you feel good!!

At 11:17 AM , Blogger darcy said...

Woo-hoo with the $2.50 shirt compliments!! Don't you love it when you can say to peeps, "$2.50, baby!!"

I'm with Jill.. you need a dr's note from the Dr about the foot rubs. Get to that, stat.

Love hearing about your pregnancy. =) Keep the posts coming, Mrs. Post!!

At 5:37 AM , Blogger monica said...

You should of kept the belly ring, I see so many girls ready to pop and they still have it in, it looks so cute. Whatever girlie, you're still adorable.


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