Time Flies..........

Seriously, can you believe that she is already four months old????? INSANITY i tell you.
right now
she can roll over (and does it all the time). but only from her back to her tummy, which is the "harder" way. but if you put her on her tummy, she just stays there.
she YELLS now. so funny. i hear ya princess, no need to scream at me!
she likes to grab faces- and digs facial hair. my cousin Dave (actually my cousin AMANDA's husband Dave, so my cousin in law. whatever) was holding her the other day and she was fasinated by his beard. and she tries to grab my nose as she yells at me when i hold her up to my face
she can sit up for maybe 30 seconds max by herself
my milk supply dropped cause she sleeps through the night (6pm - 4am, then sleeps till 7am. yep, i know i'm lucky)
she doesn't really nap. 3 - 4 naps a day, never ever longer than an hour. usually 30 minutes. can't get much done in 30 minutes...............
still working on that tooth. i swear its coming!
still short and fat (90th percentile for weight, 60th for height. sweet)
today she figured out that she can also roll over in her crib. and then she gets stuck. and YELLS
starting to giggle! the sweetest sound in the world. only has done it for mama
SO going to be the most spoiled little girl ever. she needs a sibling STAT!
her blond hair is starting to get thicker- kinda- but we still cant' tell if its gonna be curly or not!
left her with a non-family babysitter for the first time tonight! (but she was asleep the whole time. defiently a plus with having a 6pm bedtime!)
LOVES her excersauser. Thanks amanda!!!!
Ok all, soooooooooooo sorry that i've lagged on posting. life has gotten crazy, but in a good way. and so has the computer/printer situation. i'll post more later- with LOTS of pictures
and omg- scrapbookers out there, be sure to check my other blog soon to find out who i got to meet.....................
Oh, I feel special. Seriously though, we are all so in love with her!! She is the best little girl ever! So sweet! I can't wait to see her again next weekend. And yes, her room will be all set up for her ;) xoxo Amanda
WOW I cannot believe she is four months already!! Time flies!! Love the pic!! You'll have tons to scrap with all your posts of her growth, and at least it will be here when your ready or have time to scrap to scrap!! So, who did you meet?!
time does fly.. enjoy it all =)
and hold off on that sibling thing for awhile.. LOL..
I have got a chunky gal too.I am in heaven with the rollS!
kudos for you for getting her to bed at 6pm! thats awesome!
love the update.. and so what famo person did you meet????
Lucky lady! I hope Alexander is a good sleeper. The way he kept me up all night doing acrobatics leads me to believe otherwise!!
Seriously, Jessica is sooo adorable...don't make us wait so long for more pics : )
she getting so big...we need to do a photoshot with her...
when she yells do you say use your inside voice....he he...
"SO going to be the most spoiled little girl ever. she needs a sibling STAT!" <--- wa-wa-wah-wait. Was this a hint? I'm sorta totally all for that! ;) She is cute. I need to meet her irl soon!
Lil' Jessica is so cute and growing so super fast.
a sibling huh?? haha i wouldn't be against that hehe cuz she's sooo cute! and i'm so so so way excited for you guys to get to iowa!!! (and happy to be here myself!)
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