Post It's- Our Family Happenings

All about the Post Family- Steve, Kat, Jessica and Izzy

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Baby's First Picture
Yay! We finally got to see baby for the first time today. (Well, besides the very first ultrasound at 6 1/2 weeks when baby looked like a bean. that didnt' really count)
I was nervous, but mostly super excited. My trainer had told me to drink lots of water beforehand so that my bladder would be full- that this would make for clearer pictures. She also told me to eat carbohydrates about a half hour before, so that the baby would be active. "this will be the only time I'll tell you to go eat some french fries" she said. Then this morning at my yoga class we were talking about the stress test you get at the end of the pregnancy, and I heard the same thing about carbohydrates, and even some caffeine. Once again, to make sure baby is active and awake.
So, at 11 I make Steve take me through the drive through at McDonalds. We both get a cheeseburger and shared a large fries and Mr. Pibb. Keep in mind that I dont' drink caffeine- haven't for almost five years now. So we eat up, I drink a little soda (seriously not equivalent to even half a can. I didn't feel any caffeine effects), and filled up on carbs. I had a little talk with baby, about how us Post's are photogenic and baby needs to get used to the camera. And then we headed to the dr's.
And my bladder was super full.
When we get to the apointment a half hour later, I was relieved when the nurse said I didn't need to have a full bladder. Whew.
So we're waiting for the Dr. and I can sort of feel baby moving around.
Then the Dr. comes in. We have our video and DVD in place to record the whole ultrasound. (the video records all the movement, the DVD just keeps the pictures)
When the dr. first shows us the baby, its the top of baby's head, so not that exciting. And I'm laying on my back, wanting to pick my head up to get a good look. But i had to lay flat. He's showing us the head, then the tummy, and then the femur bone in the leg- good to know baby has bones! None of this is super obvious baby pics, but it was exciting nonetheless. I did get teary eyed, but didnt' full on cry cause I was trying too hard to see everything.
I was surprised when he turned the 2D black and white ultrasound to the 4D pictures (this type of ultrasound is much more real looking. a nd usually you have to pay at least $99). I didn't realize that he was going to do that- I just figured the only way to see those types of sonograms/ultrasound was to go to the special place. So i was really excited. This way insurance covered it! These pictures are so much easier to see the baby. We saw the baby moving around, and apparently the baby was moving a lot, too much to get a decent picture! Oops. Sounds like baby was bouncing of the uterine walls. Didn't tell the Dr. about my french fries and caffeine kick. ...........
But we saw baby, moving hands and feets, yawning or talking or something. And since it is my child, I'm going to assume it was trying to talk about something random and irrelevant. Probably about how excited it was to finally taste caffeine for the first time.
Sometimes the movements would kinda blur it and the baby would look kinda alien-like. But we did get a good shot of the babies face, that was have since watched at least 6 or 7 times. Steve says baby has my nose. I don't see it as my nose so much, but I do see a resemblance to the Adams family ;)
The Dr. was good at not showing us baby's sex. The nurse told us that 95% of the patients find out the sex! I was surprised. Guess we're really weird. The dr. did tell us at one point that we may want to close our eyes, cause baby may flash- but it was still in 2D mode, so i told him I wouldn't be able to tell anyways.
Unfortch, the Dr. didn't get the best picture (the pictures were taken basically from the moving film), and so far we can't figure out how to turn the video into pictures. So right now I just have a few ultrasound pics, mostly the 2D. I'm sure your'e done with me rambling and just want to see baby, right?
So, with out further ado, here is Baby Post!!!!!
the top of baby's head. and baby's hands are to the right

the femur bone. always good. and we think baby's little booty to the bottom left. awwwww

baby's back- the spinal cord! crazy. kinda creepy. but good to know that baby has its bones!

this is baby's heart beat, which we also heard. 156 beats per minute. i thought that sounded fast, but its right on for baby! (the heart is between the double lines in the middle)
here's the 4D. Now this is one where its kinda disorted. making baby look slighty alien-esque. But, still quite baby like! you can see the eyes', nose, mouth, chin. very cool. and when moving around, baby didn't look so scary- more like a cute baby :)

here are baby's legs. you can see the feet at the top, and the legs going down
this one is kind hard to see at first, but baby's back is to the left side and baby is facing the right. you can see baby's profile and little arms and hands

So my only advice is, if you don't drink caffenine, don't try to drink a little to wake baby up to get good pics. I'm sure the french fries would have been fine......
My next post will be the 5 month pics of me. I'm getting big! Luckily this last weigh in was only 5 pounds more, more on track. MUCH better than 12 pounds!!!!!! Makking my total weight gain about 20 pounds. I think that sounds ok for my half way mark. And the Dr. hasn't said a thing about gaining too much. But today we learned that baby is almost 1 pound. So what the hell is the other 19 pounds I've gained for??? Anyways, hope you all enjoyed the Baby Post pictures :) :)


At 6:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Kathryn,

Great message and pictures. The baby does look kind of like a tiny alien, but a very cute, Adamsy alien. It must be so exciting to interact with the baby as no longer a bean in your belly, but a little being.

Unfortunately, I don't have any pregnancy experience to offer, but I did find a few sales and deals for neat maternity clothes and a portable diaper kit/bag that you can fit in a big purse or backpack (look at the 'alternate view' photos to see actual size).

Sale at Mimi Maternity

Portable diaper kit:

Anyhow, I thought you might like some of these.

Keep the posts coming!


At 7:42 AM , Blogger Jill H said...

oh my gosh, the 4D pictures are COOL!!! how exciting, Kat!! glad to hear the baby is healthy & growing well :) good for you guys w/not finding out baby's sex! it'll be such an awesome surprise. we found out w/both of ours, just couldn't wait, not if the dr. could see anyways!!! take care =)

At 10:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Love the pictures of baby Post. So cute, but I'm not really sure I could see the nose. Could see the feet, though, I think. Anyway, I think dad has a different blog or something because he has different pictures. Of the car, the blue room. I will be sure he sees these pictures, in case he doesn't get them. Love you, Mom Glad the belly ring is gone!

At 4:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 5:06 PM , Blogger Elizabeth said...

oh how exciting!!! i love that cool new 4d shots!! sounds like you were able to see a lot.
isn't it amazing what they can tell from that tiny little camera?
Don't feel bad about the fries.. I actually craved fast food from about 6-9 months... (could explain the weight gain...hMMM) but it all came off w/ in a week!!
YAY for baby post!

At 7:00 AM , Blogger darcy said...

I LOVE reading your posts, Kat!! The pictures are so, so cool. Those 4-D ones are so incredible... Way to eat some fries too, girl!!

And whoo-hoo about not finding out the sex.. that's gotta be the biggest surprise ever!! D and I don't want to either when the time comes. =)

At 10:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kathryn,
That is so exciting! I'm very impressed with this technology! I still love technology... Sorry, a little Napoleon shout-out. Anyways, I think I saw the feet, that is very cute. I'm still trying to get used to the alien one. I don't think I'm looking at it right. I'm trying to spot the Adams' nose. Congratulations on baby's first pictures! Love, jackie

At 2:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kat!! i LOVE the pics! :) they are fabulous but I always feel like Rachel on Friends cuz I totally can never see anything!!! Anyway..I showed a lot of the Adams' this weekend when I was home like Abby, Barb, Bonnie, and Grandma! :) They thought you were gorgeous and that you should be a mommy-to-be model! i agreed! plus they said you look identical to your mother...YAY! talk to you soon,


At 5:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are those rude anonymous comments real? I hope they were joking, the average weight (that is HEALTHY) for a woman to gain during her pregnancy is 28 pounds, so you are fine girlfriend!!

Such great pictures, TFS!!! Cant wait to see the new belly pics!

At 6:11 PM , Blogger Elizabeth said...

dude.. I couldn't remember if I commented on this or not(I was real sleepy)... dang.. who is that masked (person) leaving you those kind of comments.. how RUDE!!!
if you're gonna say em, at least fess up to them right? coward!! LOL
ok.. I am done =)

At 8:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhhh baby post! so cute (only slightly creepy alien hehe) but so exciting! i can't wait!!!! :) :) and i'm sure greg can't either ;)
love, anne (the super excited uncles girlfriend) :)


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